Thursday, April 8, 2021

Manganese And Its Compounds:Environmental Aspects (Cicads 63...)

Chronic exposure to manganese compounds, such as manganese phosphate from MMT, used in nonlead gasoline and sources of airborne manganese (Lynam et al., 1999), leads to accumulation of manganese in the olfactory bulb, central nervous system, and other peripheral tissues, especially...Manganese compounds, particularly manganese(IV) oxide, are used in alkaline cells and Leclanche cells. Manganese is a silvery-gray metal and is part of the group known as the transition metals. Manganese(II) chloride is a common example. Manganese(III) compounds are weak oxidizing agents.In order to determine the state of the manganese ion, we will look at the anion bonded to it. MnN, N = -3 so Mn(III). Classify the following salt as acidic, basic or neutral : (i) NaCI (ii) Na2SO4 (iii) CaCl2 (iv) K2CO3. asked Oct 23, 2017 in Class X Science by priya12 (-12,631 points).Manganese(III) oxide is a chemical compound with the formula Mn2O3. Heating MnO2 in air at below 800 °C α-Mn2O3 is produced (higher temperatures produce Mn3O4). γ-Mn2O3 can be produced by oxidation followed by dehydration of manganese(II) hydroxide.Manganese is a chemical element, designated by the symbol Mn. It has the atomic number 25. It is found as a free element in nature (often in combination with iron), and in many minerals. Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels.

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In general, manganese(III) compounds are coloured, and the complexes are octahedral in shape with four d electrons, the colour is attributable It can be made by oxidation of manganese(II) acetate using chlorine or potassium permanganate, or by reaction of manganese(II) nitrate and acetic anhydride.Manganese is a mineral that is found in several foods including nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. Learn more about Manganese uses, benefits, side effects, interactions, safety concerns, and effectiveness.Manganese(II). Molecular Formula Mn. Validated by Experts , Validated by Users , Non-Validated , Removed by Users. Manganese(II) [Wiki]. Mangan(2+) [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name].2.Sort The Following Manganese Compounds By Whether The Cation Is Manganese(II) Or Manganese(III). 2)What is the formula for barium chloride? 2.Sort the following manganese compounds by whether the cation is manganese(II) or manganese(III).

Wikizero - Manganese

sort the following manganese compounds by whether the cation...

Manganese overview for health professionals. Research health effects, dosing, sources, deficiency symptoms, side effects, and interactions here. Manganese is absorbed in the small intestine through an active transport system and, possibly, through diffusion when intakes are high [2]. After absorption...Manganese can be found in combination with other chemical elements. world's leading producer of high-grade manganese ore followed by Georgia, South Africa, Brazil, and Gabon. The most widely used compound of manganese is. Manganese Dioxide (pyrolusite). disinfectants.Known as: Compounds, Manganese, Manganese Compounds [Chemical/Ingredient]. Inorganic chemicals that contain manganese as an integral part of Manganese, an essential trace element, is one of the most used metals in the industry. Recently, several new manganese compounds…Manganese is a chemical element with the symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in minerals in combination with iron.First, it's true that Mn(II) and Fe(II) could be oxidized by oxygen. But the reaction rate is relevant to pH of the corresponding solution. In acidic and neutral solution, Mn(II) is obviously more stable than Mn(III), Mn(IV) and Mn(VII) and hence reluctant to be oxidized.

Jump to navigation Jump to go looking Not to be puzzled with Magnesium (Mg). For different uses, see Manganese (disambiguation).

Manganese, 25MnManganesePronunciation/ˈmæŋɡəniːz/ ​(MANG-gə-neez)Appearancesilvery metallicStandard atomic weight Ar, std(Mn)54.938043(2)[1]Manganese in the periodic desk Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (part) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson –↑Mn↓Tc chromium ← manganese → iron Atomic quantity (Z)25Groupworkforce 7Periodperiod 4 Block  d-block Electron configuration[Ar] 3d5 4s2Electrons in line with shell2, 8, 13, 2Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point1519 Okay ​(1246 °C, ​2275 °F) Boiling point2334 Okay ​(2061 °C, ​3742 °F) Density (close to r.t.)7.21 g/cm3when liquid (at m.p.)5.95 g/cm3 Heat of fusion12.91 kJ/mol Heat of vaporization221 kJ/mol Molar warmth capacity26.32 J/(mol·K) Vapor drive P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 ok 10 okay 100 okay at T (K) 1228 1347 1493 1691 1955 2333 Atomic propertiesOxidation states−3, −2, −1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7 (depending on the oxidation state, an acidic, fundamental, or amphoteric oxide)ElectronegativityPauling scale: 1.55 Ionization energies1st: 717.3 kJ/mol second: 1509.0 kJ/mol 3rd: 3248 kJ/mol (more) Atomic radiusempirical: 127 pm Covalent radiusLow spin: 139±Five pmHigh spin: 161±8 pm Spectral strains of manganeseOther housesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal construction ​body-centered cubic (bcc)Speed of sound skinny rod5150 m/s (at 20 °C) Thermal expansion21.7 µm/(m·Okay) (at 25 °C) Thermal conductivity7.81 W/(m·Ok) Electrical resistivity1.44 µΩ·m (at 20 °C) Magnetic orderingparamagnetic Magnetic susceptibility(α) +529.0·10−6 cm3/mol (293 K)[2]Young's modulus198 GPa Bulk modulus120 GPa Mohs hardness6.0 Brinell hardness196 MPa CAS Number7439-96-5 HistoryDiscoveryCarl Wilhelm Scheele (1774)First isolationJohann Gottlieb Gahn (1774)Main isotopes of manganese Iso­tope Abun­dance Half-life (t1/2) Decay mode Pro­duct 52Mn syn 5.6 d ε 52Cr β+ 52Cr γ – 53Mn hint 3.74×106 y ε 53Cr 54Mn syn 312.03 d ε 54Cr γ – 55Mn 100% solid

Manganese is a chemical part with the symbol Mn and atomic quantity 25. It is no longer found as a free component in nature; it is frequently present in minerals together with iron. Manganese is a transition metallic with a multifaceted array of commercial alloy makes use of, specifically in stainless steels.

First remoted in 1774, manganese is basically utilized in the manufacturing of metal. It is familiar in the laboratory in the type of the deep violet salt potassium permanganate. It happens at the lively sites in some enzymes.[3] Of particular pastime is the use of a Mn-O cluster, the oxygen-evolving complicated, in the production of oxygen by plants.


Physical houses Electrolytically refined manganese chips and a 1 cm3 cube

Manganese is a silvery-gray metal that resembles iron. It is hard and very brittle, difficult to fuse, however easy to oxidize.[4] Manganese steel and its commonplace ions are paramagnetic.[5] Manganese tarnishes slowly in air and oxidizes ("rusts") like iron in water containing dissolved oxygen.

Isotopes Main article: Isotopes of manganese

Naturally occurring manganese is composed of one solid isotope, 55Mn. Several radioisotopes have been isolated and described, ranging in atomic weight from 44 u (44Mn) to Sixty nine u (69Mn). The maximum strong are 53Mn with a half-life of 3.7 million years, 54Mn with a half-life of 312.2 days, and 52Mn with a half-life of five.591 days. All of the ultimate radioactive isotopes have half-lives of less than three hours, and the majority of lower than one minute. The number one decay mode in isotopes lighter than the maximum ample strong isotope, 55Mn, is electron seize and the number one mode in heavier isotopes is beta decay.[6] Manganese additionally has 3 meta states.[6]

Manganese is a part of the iron crew of parts, that are thought to be synthesized in huge stars in a while prior to the supernova explosion.[7]53Mn decays to 53Cr with a half-life of three.7 million years. Because of its somewhat brief half-life, 53Mn is slightly rare, produced by cosmic rays affect on iron.[8] Manganese isotopic contents are in most cases blended with chromium isotopic contents and have discovered software in isotope geology and radiometric courting. Mn–Cr isotopic ratios make stronger the proof from 26Al and 107Pd for the early history of the sun system. Variations in 53Cr/52Cr and Mn/Cr ratios from several meteorites counsel an initial 53Mn/55Mn ratio, which signifies that Mn–Cr isotopic composition must consequence from in situ decay of 53Mn in differentiated planetary our bodies. Hence, 53Mn provides further evidence for nucleosynthetic processes instantly earlier than coalescence of the sun machine.

Oxidation states Manganese(II) chloride crystals – the pale crimson color of Mn(II) salts is due to a spin-forbidden 3d transition.[9]

The most commonplace oxidation states of manganese are +2, +3, +4, +6, and +7, although all oxidation states from −3 to +7 were noticed. Mn2+ incessantly competes with Mg2+ in organic programs. Manganese compounds the place manganese is in oxidation state +7, which are mostly restricted to the risky oxide Mn2O7, compounds of the intensely crimson permanganate anion MnO4−, and a couple of oxyhalides (MnO3F and MnO3Cl), are tough oxidizing brokers.[4] Compounds with oxidation states +5 (blue) and +6 (green) are sturdy oxidizing agents and are prone to disproportionation.

Aqueous answer of OkMnO4 illustrating the deep crimson of Mn(VII) because it occurs in permanganate

The maximum stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale crimson color, and plenty of manganese(II) compounds are recognized, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl2). This oxidation state is additionally observed in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate). Manganese(II) maximum commonly exists with a excessive spin, S = 5/2 ground state because of the excessive pairing energy for manganese(II). However, there are a few examples of low-spin, S =1/2 manganese(II).[10] There aren't any spin-allowed d–d transitions in manganese(II), explaining why manganese(II) compounds are typically pale to colorless.[11]

Oxidation states of manganese[12]0 Mn2(CO)10 +1 MnC5H4CH3(CO)3 +2 MnCl2, MnCO3, MnO +3 MnF3, Mn(OAc)3, Mn2O3 +4 MnO2 +5 K3MnO4 +6 K2MnO4 +7 OkMnO4, Mn2O7 Common oxidation states are in bold.

The +Three oxidation state is recognized in compounds like manganese(III) acetate, but these are fairly tough oxidizing brokers and in addition vulnerable to disproportionation in solution, forming manganese(II) and manganese(IV). Solid compounds of manganese(III) are characterised by its strong purple-red color and a preference for distorted octahedral coordination because of the Jahn-Teller impact.

The oxidation state +Five may also be produced by dissolving manganese dioxide in molten sodium nitrite.[13] Manganate(VI) salts will also be produced by dissolving Mn compounds, reminiscent of manganese dioxide, in molten alkali while exposed to air. Permanganate (+7 oxidation state) compounds are purple, and can provide glass a violet color. Potassium permanganate, sodium permanganate, and barium permanganate are all potent oxidizers. Potassium permanganate, also referred to as Condy's crystals, is a commonly used laboratory reagent as a result of its oxidizing properties; it is used as a topical medicine (for example, in the treatment of fish illnesses). Solutions of potassium permanganate had been amongst the first stains and fixatives to be used in the preparation of biological cells and tissues for electron microscopy.[14]


The starting place of the name manganese is advanced. In precedent days, two black minerals had been known from the areas of the Magnetes (either Magnesia, situated inside of fashionable Greece, or Magnesia advert Sipylum, situated within trendy Turkey).[15] They had been each known as magnes from their homeland, but were considered to vary in intercourse. The male magnes attracted iron, and was once the iron ore now referred to as lodestone or magnetite, and which almost certainly gave us the time period magnet. The female magnes ore didn't attract iron, but used to be used to decolorize glass. This female magnes used to be later called magnesia, identified now in modern occasions as pyrolusite or manganese dioxide. Neither this mineral nor elemental manganese is magnetic. In the sixteenth century, manganese dioxide was once called manganesum (word the two Ns instead of one) by glassmakers, possibly as a corruption and concatenation of 2 words, since alchemists and glassmakers eventually had to differentiate a magnesia nigra (the black ore) from magnesia alba (a white ore, also from Magnesia, additionally helpful in glassmaking). Michele Mercati referred to as magnesia nigra manganesa, and in the end the steel remoted from it was referred to as manganese (German: Mangan). The name magnesia ultimately was then used to refer simplest to the white magnesia alba (magnesium oxide), which supplied the identify magnesium for the loose element when it used to be isolated a lot later.[16]

Some of the cave art work in Lascaux, France, use manganese-based pigments.[17]

Several colorful oxides of manganese, for instance manganese dioxide, are abundant in nature and have been used as pigments since the Stone Age. The cave paintings in Gargas which are 30,000 to 24,000 years previous comprise manganese pigments.[18]

Manganese compounds have been used by Egyptian and Roman glassmakers, either so as to add to, or take away color from glass.[19] Use as "glassmakers soap" continued via the Middle Ages until fashionable occasions and is glaring in 14th-century glass from Venice.[20]

Credit for first isolating manganese is typically given to Johan Gottlieb Gahn.

Because it was utilized in glassmaking, manganese dioxide was once available for experiments by alchemists, the first chemists. Ignatius Gottfried Kaim (1770) and Johann Glauber (17th century) found out that manganese dioxide could be transformed to permanganate, an invaluable laboratory reagent.[21] By the mid-18th century, the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele used manganese dioxide to provide chlorine. First, hydrochloric acid, or a mix of dilute sulfuric acid and sodium chloride was made to react with manganese dioxide, and later hydrochloric acid from the Leblanc procedure used to be used and the manganese dioxide was once recycled by the Weldon process. The manufacturing of chlorine and hypochlorite bleaching brokers used to be a large client of manganese ores.

By the mid-18th century, Carl Wilhelm Scheele used pyrolusite to supply chlorine. Scheele and others were aware that pyrolusite (now known to be manganese dioxide) contained a brand new part. Johan Gottlieb Gahn used to be the first to isolate an impure pattern of manganese metallic in 1774, which he did by lowering the dioxide with carbon.

The manganese content of a few iron ores utilized in Greece ended in speculations that metal made out of that ore comprises additional manganese, making the Spartan steel exceptionally arduous.[22] Around the beginning of the nineteenth century, manganese was used in steelmaking and several other patents had been granted. In 1816, it was once documented that iron alloyed with manganese used to be more difficult but now not more brittle. In 1837, British educational James Couper famous an association between miners' heavy exposure to manganese with a form of Parkinson's illness.[23] In 1912, United States patents had been granted for protecting firearms towards rust and corrosion with manganese phosphate electrochemical conversion coatings, and the process has observed popular use ever since.[24]

The invention of the Leclanché cellular in 1866 and the next growth of batteries containing manganese dioxide as cathodic depolarizer higher the demand for manganese dioxide. Until the building of batteries with nickel-cadmium and lithium, most batteries contained manganese. The zinc-carbon battery and the alkaline battery normally use mass-produced manganese dioxide as a result of naturally occurring manganese dioxide contains impurities. In the 20th century, manganese dioxide used to be widely used as the cathodic for commercial disposable dry batteries of both the same old (zinc-carbon) and alkaline sorts.[25]

Occurrence and manufacturing

See also: Category:Manganese minerals

Manganese contains about 1000 ppm (0.1%) of the Earth's crust, the 12th maximum plentiful of the crust's parts.[26] Soil accommodates 7–9000 ppm of manganese with a median of 440 ppm.[26] Seawater has only 10 ppm manganese and the atmosphere accommodates 0.01 μg/m3.[26] Manganese happens mainly as pyrolusite (MnO2), braunite, (Mn2+Mn3+6)(SiO12),[27]psilomelane (Ba,H2O)2Mn5O10, and to a lesser extent as rhodochrosite (MnCO3).

Manganese ore Psilomelane (manganese ore) Spiegeleisen is an iron alloy with a manganese content of approximately 15% Manganese oxide dendrites on limestone from Solnhofen, Germany – a kind of pseudofossil. Scale is in mm Mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate) Percentage of manganese output in 2006 by international locations[28]

The maximum essential manganese ore is pyrolusite (MnO2). Other economically vital manganese ores generally display a close spatial relation to the iron ores, such as sphalerite.[4][29] Land-based sources are large however irregularly disbursed. About 80% of the known international manganese assets are in South Africa; other vital manganese deposits are in Ukraine, Australia, India, China, Gabon and Brazil.[28] According to 1978 estimate, the ocean flooring has 500 billion tons of manganese nodules.[30] Attempts to find economically viable strategies of harvesting manganese nodules had been deserted in the 1970s.[31]

In South Africa, maximum known deposits are located near Hotazel in the Northern Cape Province, with a 2011 estimate of 15 billion lots. In 2011 South Africa produced 3.4 million tons, topping all different countries.[32]

Manganese is principally mined in South Africa, Australia, China, Gabon, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Ukraine and Malaysia.[33]

For the production of ferromanganese, the manganese ore is blended with iron ore and carbon, after which diminished both in a blast furnace or in an electric arc furnace.[34] The resulting ferromanganese has a manganese content material of 30 to 80%.[4] Pure manganese used for the production of iron-free alloys is produced by leaching manganese ore with sulfuric acid and a next electrowinning procedure.[35]

Process drift diagram for a manganese refining circuit.

A more innovative extraction process involves at once reducing manganese ore in a heap leach. This is completed by percolating herbal gasoline via the bottom of the heap; the natural gas supplies the warmth (must be at least 850 °C) and the lowering agent (carbon monoxide). This reduces all of the manganese ore to manganese oxide (MnO), which is a leachable form. The ore then travels through a grinding circuit to reduce the particle length of the ore to between 150 and 250 μm, increasing the floor area to assist leaching. The ore is then added to a leach tank of sulfuric acid and ferrous iron (Fe2+) in a 1.6:1 ratio. The iron reacts with the manganese dioxide to form iron hydroxide and elemental manganese. This process yields approximately 92% restoration of the manganese. For further purification, the manganese can then be sent to an electrowinning facility.[36]

In 1972 the CIA's Project Azorian, thru billionaire Howard Hughes, commissioned the send Hughes Glomar Explorer with the duvet tale of harvesting manganese nodules from the sea flooring.[37] That induced a hurry of job to gather manganese nodules, which was once now not in fact practical. The real challenge of Hughes Glomar Explorer was to lift a sunken Soviet submarine, the Ok-129, with the objective of retrieving Soviet code books.[38]

An plentiful useful resource of manganese in the type of Mn nodules found on the ocean flooring.[39][40] These nodules, which are composed of 29% manganese,[41] are located alongside the ocean ground and the possible impact of mining these nodules is being researched. Physical, chemical, and biological environmental affects can occur because of this nodule mining tense the seafloor and inflicting sediment plumes to form. This suspension contains metals and inorganic vitamins, which may end up in contamination of the near-bottom waters from dissolved poisonous compounds. Mn nodules also are the grazing grounds, dwelling area, and coverage for endo- and epifaunal techniques. When theses nodules are got rid of, those methods are immediately affected. Overall, it will motive species to leave the house or utterly die off.[42] Prior to the commencement of the mining itself, analysis is being carried out by United Nations affiliated bodies and state-sponsored corporations in an try to fully understand environmental affects in the hopes of mitigating these impacts.[43]

Oceanic surroundings

Many trace elements in the ocean come from metal-rich hydrothermal debris from hydrothermal vents.[44] Dissolved manganese (dMn) is discovered right through the world's oceans, 90% of which originates from hydrothermal vents.[45] Particulate Mn develops in buoyant plumes over an lively vent source, whilst the dMn behaves conservatively.[44] Mn concentrations range between the water columns of the ocean. At the surface, dMn is elevated due to input from external sources corresponding to rivers, dust, and shelf sediments. Coastal sediments in most cases have decrease Mn concentrations, but can build up because of anthropogenic discharges from industries equivalent to mining and metal manufacturing, which input the ocean from river inputs. Surface dMn concentrations will also be increased biologically via photosynthesis and physically from coastal upwelling and wind-driven floor currents. Internal biking such as photo-reduction from UV radiation too can raise ranges by dashing up the dissolution of Mn-oxides and oxidative scavenging, preventing Mn from sinking to deeper waters.[46] Elevated levels at mid-depths can occur close to mid-ocean ridges and hydrothermal vents. The hydrothermal vents unlock dMn enriched fluid into the water. The dMn can then travel up to 4,000 km due to the microbial capsules provide, fighting exchange with debris, lowing the sinking charges. Dissolved Mn concentrations are even higher when oxygen levels are low. Overall, dMn concentrations are generally higher in coastal areas and decrease when moving offshore.[46]


Manganese happens in soils in three oxidation states: the divalent cation, Mn2+ and as brownish-black oxides and hydroxides containing Mn (III,IV), comparable to MnOOH and MnO2. Soil pH and oxidation-reduction conditions have an effect on which of those three sorts of Mn is dominant in a given soil. At pH values lower than 6 or beneath anaerobic conditions, Mn(II) dominates, while under extra alkaline and cardio stipulations, Mn(III,IV) (hydr)oxides predominate. These results of soil acidity and aeration state on the type of Mn will also be modified or managed by microbial job. Microbial respiratory could cause both the oxidation of Mn2+ to the oxides, and it may well cause discount of the oxides to the divalent cation.[47]

The Mn(III,IV) oxides exist as brownish-black stains and small nodules on sand, silt, and clay debris. These surface coatings on other soil debris have excessive surface house and elevate unfavourable fee. The charged websites can adsorb and retain various cations, particularly heavy metals (e.g., Cr3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+). In addition, the oxides can adsorb organic acids and other compounds. The adsorption of the metals and natural compounds can then lead them to be oxidized whilst the Mn(III,IV) oxides are reduced to Mn2+ (e.g., Cr3+ to Cr(VI) and colorless hydroquinone to tea-colored quinone polymers).[48]


Manganese has no adequate replace in its main programs in metallurgy.[28] In minor packages (e.g., manganese phosphating), zinc and infrequently vanadium are viable substitutes.

Steel U.S. M1917 struggle helmet, a variant of Brodie helmet, created from Hadfield metal manganese alloy.

Manganese is crucial to iron and metal production by virtue of its sulfur-fixing, deoxidizing, and alloying homes, as first identified by the British metallurgist Robert Forester Mushet (1811–1891) who, in 1856, presented the component, in the type of Spiegeleisen, into metal for the explicit function of casting off extra dissolved oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus with the intention to toughen its malleability. Steelmaking,[49] together with its ironmaking part, has accounted for many manganese call for, at the moment in the range of 85% to 90% of the total demand.[35] Manganese is a key element of low cost chrome steel.[50][51] Often ferromanganese (in most cases about 80% manganese) is the intermediate in modern processes.

Small quantities of manganese make stronger the workability of metal at high temperatures by forming a high-melting sulfide and combating the formation of a liquid iron sulfide at the grain limitations. If the manganese content material reaches 4%, the embrittlement of the metal turns into a dominant function. The embrittlement decreases at higher manganese concentrations and reaches an appropriate stage at 8%. Steel containing Eight to fifteen% of manganese has a excessive tensile power of as much as 863 MPa.[52][53] Steel with 12% manganese used to be discovered in 1882 by Robert Hadfield and is nonetheless known as Hadfield metal (mangalloy). It was once used for British military steel helmets and later by the U.S. army.[54]

Aluminium alloys Main article: Aluminium alloy

The second biggest software for manganese is in aluminium alloys. Aluminium with more or less 1.5% manganese has higher resistance to corrosion via grains that take in impurities which might result in galvanic corrosion.[55] The corrosion-resistant aluminium alloys 3004 and 3104 (0.Eight to 1.5% manganese) are used for most beverage cans.[56] Before 2000, greater than 1.6 million tonnes of the ones alloys had been used; at 1% manganese, this consumed 16,000 tonnes of manganese.[56]

Other makes use of

Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl is used as an additive in unleaded fuel to spice up octane rating and reduce engine knocking. The manganese in this ordinary organometallic compound is in the +1 oxidation state.[57]

Manganese(IV) oxide (manganese dioxide, MnO2) is used as a reagent in organic chemistry for the oxidation of benzylic alcohols (where the hydroxyl crew is adjacent to an aromatic ring). Manganese dioxide has been used since antiquity to oxidize and neutralize the greenish tinge in glass from trace amounts of iron contamination.[20] MnO2 is additionally utilized in the manufacture of oxygen and chlorine and in drying black paints. In some arrangements, it is a brown pigment for paint and is a constituent of natural umber.

Manganese(IV) oxide was once utilized in the authentic form of dry cellular battery as an electron acceptor from zinc, and is the blackish material in carbon–zinc kind flashlight cells. The manganese dioxide is lowered to the manganese oxide-hydroxide MnO(OH) throughout discharging, fighting the formation of hydrogen at the anode of the battery.[58]

MnO2 + H2O + e− → MnO(OH) + OH−

The identical subject material additionally purposes in more recent alkaline batteries (typically battery cells), which use the same elementary reaction, however a special electrolyte combination. In 2002, more than 230,000 lots of manganese dioxide used to be used for this objective.[25][58]

World-War-II-era 5-cent coin (1942-Five recognized by mint mark P, D or S above dome) constituted of a 56% copper-35% silver-9% manganese alloy

The steel is occasionally used in cash; until 2000, the handiest United States coin to use manganese used to be the "wartime" nickel from 1942 to 1945.[59] An alloy of 75% copper and 25% nickel was once historically used for the manufacturing of nickel cash. However, on account of shortage of nickel steel throughout the battle, it used to be substituted by extra to be had silver and manganese, thus leading to an alloy of 56% copper, 35% silver and 9% manganese. Since 2000, greenback coins, for instance the Sacagawea buck and the Presidential 1 cash, are made from a brass containing 7% of manganese with a pure copper core.[60] In both cases of nickel and greenback, the use of manganese in the coin was to duplicate the electromagnetic homes of a prior identically sized and valued coin in the mechanisms of vending machines. In the case of the later U.S. dollar cash, the manganese alloy used to be meant to replicate the houses of the copper/nickel alloy used in the previous Susan B. Anthony buck.

Manganese compounds were used as pigments and for the coloring of ceramics and glass. The brown colour of ceramic is from time to time the result of manganese compounds.[61] In the glass business, manganese compounds are used for 2 results. Manganese(III) reacts with iron(II) to induce a robust inexperienced colour in glass by forming less-colored iron(III) and fairly crimson manganese(II), compensating for the residual colour of the iron(III).[20] Larger quantities of manganese are used to supply pink colored glass. In 2009, Professor Mas Subramanian and colleagues at Oregon State University came upon that manganese can be mixed with yttrium and indium to form an intensely blue, non-toxic, inert, fade-resistant pigment, YInMn blue, the first new blue pigment found out in 2 hundred years.

Tetravalent manganese is used as an activator in red-emitting phosphors. While many compounds are identified which show luminescence,[62] the majority don't seem to be utilized in commercial software because of low efficiency or deep pink emission.[63][64] However, a number of Mn4+ activated fluorides had been reported as attainable red-emitting phosphors for warm-white LEDs.[65][66] But to these days, simplest K2SiF6:Mn4+ is commercially available for use in warm-white LEDs.[67]

Biological role

Reactive middle of arginase with boronic acid inhibitor – the manganese atoms are shown in yellow. Biochemistry

The classes of enzymes that have manganese cofactors is huge and includes oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases, lectins, and integrins. The reverse transcriptases of many retroviruses (even though now not lentiviruses such as HIV) comprise manganese. The best-known manganese-containing polypeptides could also be arginase, the diphtheria toxin, and Mn-containing superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD).[68]

Biological function in people

Manganese is an crucial human nutritional component. It is provide as a coenzyme in several biological processes, which come with macronutrient metabolism, bone formation, and unfastened radical defense methods. It is a important part in dozens of proteins and enzymes.[69] The human body incorporates about 12 mg of manganese, mostly in the bones. The comfortable tissue remainder is concentrated in the liver and kidneys.[26] In the human mind, the manganese is bound to manganese metalloproteins, maximum notably glutamine synthetase in astrocytes.[70]


Excessive publicity or consumption might lead to a condition known as manganism, a neurodegenerative disorder that reasons dopaminergic neuronal loss of life and symptoms similar to Parkinson's illness.[26][71]

Toxicity in marine life

Many enzymatic programs need Mn to function, however in excessive ranges, Mn can become poisonous. One environmental reason Mn levels can building up in seawater is when hypoxic sessions happen.[72] Since 1990 there have been reviews of Mn accumulation in marine organisms including fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and echinoderms. Specific tissues are targets in several species, including the gills, mind, blood, kidney, and liver/hepatopancreas. Physiological effects have been reported in these species. Mn can have an effect on the renewal of immunocytes and their capability, reminiscent of phagocytosis and activation of pro-phenoloxidase, suppressing the organisms' immune methods. This reasons the organisms to be more prone to infections. As local weather change occurs, pathogen distributions building up, and to ensure that organisms to survive and shield themselves towards these pathogens, they want a wholesome, robust immune device. If their methods are compromised from high Mn ranges, they won't be able to combat off those pathogens and die.[45]

Nutrition Dietary suggestions Current AIs of Mn by age staff and intercourse[73] Males Females Age AI (mg/day) Age AI (mg/day) 1–3 1.2 1–3 1.2 4–8 1.5 4–8 1.5 9–13 1.9 9–13 1.6 14–18 2.2 14–18 1.6 19+ 2.3 19+ 1.8 pregnant: 2 lactating: 2.6

The U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) updated Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) and Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for minerals in 2001. For manganese there was no longer sufficient knowledge to set EARs and RDAs, so wishes are described as estimates for Adequate Intakes (AIs). As for safety, the IOM sets Tolerable upper consumption levels (ULs) for vitamins and minerals when proof is sufficient. In the case of manganese the adult UL is set at 11 mg/day. Collectively the EARs, RDAs, AIs and ULs are referred to as Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs).[73] Manganese deficiency is rare.[74]

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) refers to the collective set of information as Dietary Reference Values, with Population Reference Intake (PRI) instead of RDA, and Average Requirement as a substitute of EAR. AI and UL defined the similar as in United States. For other folks ages 15 and older the AI is set at 3.0 mg/day. AIs for pregnancy and lactation is 3.0 mg/day. For children ages 1–14 years the AIs building up with age from 0.5 to two.0 mg/day. The grownup AIs are higher than the U.S. RDAs.[75] The EFSA reviewed the same safety question and made up our minds that there was once insufficient information to set a UL.[76]

For U.S. meals and nutritional complement labeling purposes the quantity in a serving is expressed as a percent of Daily Value (%DV). For manganese labeling functions 100% of the Daily Value was once 2.0 mg, but as of 27 May 2016 it used to be revised to two.3 mg to deliver it into agreement with the RDA.[77][78] Compliance with the updated labeling rules was once required by 1 January 2020 for manufacturers with US million or more in annual meals sales, and by 1 January 2021 for producers with lower volume food sales.[79][80] A desk of the previous and new grownup daily values is equipped at Reference Daily Intake.

Biological function in bacteria

Mn-SOD is the type of SOD present in eukaryotic mitochondria, and likewise in maximum bacteria (this truth is consistent with the bacterial-origin concept of mitochondria). The Mn-SOD enzyme is almost certainly one in all the most historic, for just about all organisms residing in the presence of oxygen use it to maintain the toxic results of superoxide (O−2), shaped from the 1-electron discount of dioxygen. The exceptions, which might be all micro organism, include Lactobacillus plantarum and similar lactobacilli, which use a special nonenzymatic mechanism with manganese (Mn2+) ions complexed with polyphosphate, suggesting a path of evolution for this serve as in cardio life.

Biological function in crops

Manganese is additionally essential in photosynthetic oxygen evolution in chloroplasts in crops. The oxygen-evolving complicated (OEC) is a part of photosystem II contained in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts; it is answerable for the terminal photooxidation of water during the gentle reactions of photosynthesis, and has a metalloenzyme core containing four atoms of manganese.[81][82] To satisfy this requirement, most broad-spectrum plant fertilizers contain manganese.


Manganese Hazards GHS danger statements H401 GHS precautionary statements P273, P501[83]NFPA 704 (fireplace diamond) 0 0 0

Manganese compounds are less poisonous than the ones of alternative standard metals, comparable to nickel and copper.[84] However, publicity to manganese dusts and fumes will have to now not exceed the ceiling price of five mg/m3 even for brief sessions as a result of its toxicity degree.[85] Manganese poisoning has been linked to impaired motor abilities and cognitive disorders.[86]

Permanganate exhibits the next toxicity than manganese(II) compounds. The deadly dose is about 10 g, and several deadly intoxications have occurred. The robust oxidative impact results in necrosis of the mucous membrane. For example, the esophagus is affected if the permanganate is swallowed. Only a limited amount is absorbed by the intestines, however this small amount presentations severe results on the kidneys and on the liver.[87][88]

Manganese exposure in United States is regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).[89] People can be exposed to manganese in the place of business by breathing it in or swallowing it. OSHA has set the legal limit (permissible publicity limit) for manganese exposure in the place of job as 5 mg/m3 over an 8-hour workday. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set a advisable publicity restrict (REL) of one mg/m3 over an 8-hour workday and a short time period restrict of three mg/m3. At levels of 500 mg/m3, manganese is right away bad to existence and well being.[90]

Generally, exposure to ambient Mn air concentrations in excess of Five μg Mn/m3 can result in Mn-induced signs. Increased ferroportin protein expression in human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells is related to lowered intracellular Mn focus and attenuated cytotoxicity, characterized by the reversal of Mn-reduced glutamate uptake and diminished lactate dehydrogenase leakage.[91]

Environmental health issues

In drinking water

Waterborne manganese has a greater bioavailability than dietary manganese. According to effects from a 2010 find out about,[92] upper ranges of publicity to manganese in drinking water are associated with increased highbrow impairment and lowered intelligence quotients in school-age children. It is hypothesized that long-term publicity due to inhaling the naturally happening manganese in shower water puts as much as 8.7 million Americans in peril.[93] However, data signifies that the human body can recover from sure adverse results of overexposure to manganese if the exposure is stopped and the body can clear the extra.[94]

In gas Molecular type of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT)

Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) is a fuel additive used to interchange lead compounds for unleaded gasolines to enhance the octane score of low octane petroleum distillates. It reduces engine knock agent via the motion of the carbonyl teams. Fuels containing manganese have a tendency to shape manganese carbides, which damage exhaust valves. Compared to 1953, levels of manganese in air have dropped.[95]

In tobacco smoke

The tobacco plant readily absorbs and accumulates heavy metals reminiscent of manganese from the surrounding soil into its leaves. These are therefore inhaled all the way through tobacco smoking.[96] While manganese is a constituent of tobacco smoke,[97] studies have in large part concluded that concentrations are not hazardous for human well being.[98]

Role in neurological issues

Manganism Main article: Manganism

Manganese overexposure is most continuously related to manganism, a rare neurological disorder associated with excessive manganese ingestion or inhalation. Historically, persons employed in the manufacturing or processing of manganese alloys[99][100] have been at risk for creating manganism; alternatively, present well being and safety laws protect staff in developed international locations.[89] The disorder was once first described in 1837 by British academic John Couper, who studied two sufferers who had been manganese grinders.[23]

Manganism is a biphasic disorder. In its early stages, an intoxicated individual would possibly enjoy melancholy, temper swings, compulsive behaviors, and psychosis. Early neurological signs give technique to late-stage manganism, which resembles Parkinson's disease. Symptoms come with weak spot, monotone and slowed speech, an expressionless face, tremor, forward-leaning gait, lack of ability to stroll backwards with out falling, rigidity, and general issues of dexterity, gait and stability.[23][101] Unlike Parkinson's illness, manganism is not associated with loss of the sense of odor and sufferers are most often unresponsive to remedy with L-DOPA.[102] Symptoms of late-stage manganism grow to be more severe through the years even though the supply of publicity is removed and brain manganese ranges go back to customary.[101]

Chronic manganese exposure has been proven to produce a parkinsonism-like illness characterized by movement abnormalities.[103] This condition is not conscious of conventional treatments utilized in the treatment of PD, suggesting an alternate pathway than the conventional dopaminergic loss within the substantia nigra.[103] Manganese may accumulate in the basal ganglia, leading to the bizarre actions.[104] A mutation of the SLC30A10 gene, a manganese efflux transporter important for lowering intracellular Mn, has been linked with the building of this Parkinsonism-like disease.[105] The Lewy bodies standard to PD are not observed in Mn-induced parkinsonism.[104]

Animal experiments have given the alternative to inspect the consequences of manganese overexposure beneath managed conditions. In (non-aggressive) rats, manganese induces mouse-killing behavior.[106]

Childhood developmental problems

Several fresh research try to examine the results of persistent low-dose manganese overexposure on child development. The earliest learn about was once conducted in the Chinese province of Shanxi. Drinking water there had been infected thru unsuitable sewage irrigation and contained 240–350 μg Mn/L. Although Mn concentrations at or beneath 300 μg Mn/L had been regarded as secure at the time of the find out about by the US EPA and 400 μg Mn/L by the World Health Organization, the 92 youngsters sampled (between Eleven and 13 years of age) from this province displayed lower performance on assessments of guide dexterity and rapidity, momentary memory, and visible id, compared to children from an uncontaminated area. More not too long ago, a study of 10-year-old children in Bangladesh showed a relationship between Mn concentration in smartly water and decreased IQ rankings. A third learn about performed in Quebec tested school kids between the ages of 6 and 15 dwelling in properties that won water from a well containing 610 μg Mn/L; controls lived in properties that received water from a 160 μg Mn/L smartly. Children in the experimental workforce confirmed greater hyperactive and oppositional conduct.[92]

The present maximum safe concentration underneath EPA rules is 50 μg Mn/L.[107]

Neurodegenerative illnesses

A protein referred to as DMT1 is the major transporter in manganese absorption from the intestine, and could also be the major transporter of manganese throughout the blood–brain barrier. DMT1 also transports inhaled manganese throughout the nasal epithelium. The proposed mechanism for manganese toxicity is that dysregulation ends up in oxidative rigidity, mitochondrial disorder, glutamate-mediated excitoxicity, and aggregation of proteins.[108]

See additionally

Manganese exporter, membrane delivery protein List of nations by manganese production Parkerizing


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