Thursday, April 15, 2021

Print Chapter 9 Blackboard Quiz Flashcards | Easy Notecards

Type I muscle fiber is also known as "slow twitch oxidative" fibers. Muscle fiber types can be broken down into two main types: slow twitch (Type I) muscle fibers and fast twitch muscle fibers.Type I fibers are used in lower-intensity exercises such as very light resistance work aimed at muscular endurance and long-duration aerobic activities such as 5K and 10K runs.Question: Addition Of More Mitochondria To A Muscle Fiber Will Have The Greatest Effect On Which Of The Following Is NOT A Plexus Of The Vagus (X) Nerve? Which Of The Following Is NOT A Plexus Of The Vagus (X) Nerve? Inferior Hypogastric Pulmonary Esophageal Cardiac Which Of The Following Is NOT A Plexus Of The Vagus (X) Nerve?These fibers contain many more mitochondria than the glycolytic fibers, as aerobic metabolism, which uses oxygen (O 2) in the metabolic pathway, occurs in the mitochondria. This allows slow oxidative fibers to contract for longer periods because of the large amount of ATP they can produce, but they have a relatively small diameter and thus doAddition of more myoglobin to a muscle fiber would have the largest effect on _____. Exhaustion of glycogen storage within a muscle fiber would have the biggest effect on _____. A- fast oxidative fibers B- slow oxidative fibers Addition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the least effect on _____.Addition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the least effect on _____. fast glycolytic fibers If given the exact same amount of ATP, which of the three fiber types would be able to contract for the longest amount of time?

Solved: Addition Of More Mitochondria To A Muscle Fiber Wi

Muscle fibers are known to co-express more than one myosin heavy chain isoform , resulting in "hybrid" fiber types. The incidence of hybrid fibers has been recognized to increase in aging muscle ( 5 , 37 ), and this adds to the complexity of fiber-type classification in muscle of aging individuals.In addition, numbers of studies have recently reported the regulatory effect of miRNAs on mitochondrial fission, fusion and mitophagic protein expression in skeletal muscle and other tissues [25,26], but whether miRNAs specifically regulate denervated skeletal muscle atrophy through mitochondrial mechanisms remains to be studied.Clara Franzini-Armstrong, Andrew G. Engel, in Muscle, 2012. Golgi and Associated Organelles. Skeletal muscle cells maintain an extensive and highly differentiated membrane system and in addition they are actively secretory, being responsible for the production and secretion of numerous endocrine, autocrine, and bioactive factors (44).It is thus not surprising that muscle fibers have veryof 02 within the muscle cell to the mitochondria (10, 16, 17, 21). Recent studies have shown that cytochrome c, a mitochondrial marker, and myoglobin have different deg- radation rate constants in the red types of skeletal muscle when exercise training is stopped (12). In addition, cyto-

Solved: Addition Of More Mitochondria To A Muscle Fiber Wi

10.5 Types of Muscle Fibers - Anatomy & Physiology

One of the most important tests for mitochondrial disease is the muscle biopsy, which involves removing and examining a small sample of muscle tissue. When treated with a dye that stains mitochondria red, muscles affected by mitochondrial disease often show ragged red fibers—muscle cells (fibers) that have excessive mitochondria.50) Addition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the least effect on _____. A) fast oxidative fibers B) both slow and fast oxidative fibers C) slow oxidative fibers D) fast glycolytic fibersAddition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the least effect on _____. fast glycolytic fibers One action potential in a motor neuron causes the full reaction in skeletal muscle, which is called a twitch.Correct answers: 3 question: Addition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the greatest effect on addition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the greatest effect on both slow and fast oxidative fibers fast oxidative fibers fast glycolytic fibers slow oxidative fibersIn addition, the steady state mitochondrial distributions in the muscle fibers were analyzed for the case of lower boundary oxygen concentration to simulate hypoxia without allowing redistribution of mitochondria in order to determine if under hypoxia these fibers exhibit similar trends in their model outputs i.e. R ATPase, η and < O 2 mito

Fast and gradual oxidative fibers.


Addition of more mitochondria to a muscle fiber will have the largest effect on FAST and SLOW oxidative fibers.

Mitochondria are attention-grabbing organelles which might be focused on controlling many crucial cellular processes for the physiology of the skeletal muscle. They participate in central roles in the space of muscle mobile metabolism, energy provide, the law of energy-sensitive signaling pathways, reactive oxygen and species production.

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